Digital Signatures
Note: Signatures depends on the bouncy castle JCA Security provider. You will get a no such provider if it s not installed
For digital signatures, we support almost all algorithms in the JCA,
except for the
The default JCASigner
interprets into any F[_]: Sync
from cats-effect
import tsec.common._
import tsec.signature._
import tsec.signature.jca._
import cats.effect.Sync
import cats.syntax.all._
val toSign: Array[Byte] = "hiThere!".utf8Bytes
/** Signature Example:
def pureSign[F[_]](implicit F: Sync[F]): F[(CryptoSignature[SHA256withRSA], Boolean)] =
for {
keyPair <- SHA256withRSA.generateKeyPair[F]
signed <- SHA256withRSA.sign[F](toSign, keyPair.privateKey)
verified <- SHA256withRSA.verifyBool[F](toSign, signed, keyPair.publicKey)
} yield (signed, verified)
Signature example with Either
val sig: Either[Throwable, Boolean] = for {
keyPair <- SHA256withECDSA.generateKeyPair[SigErrorM]
signed <- SHA256withECDSA.sign[SigErrorM](toSign, keyPair.privateKey)
verified <- SHA256withECDSA
.verifyBool[SigErrorM](toSign, signed, keyPair.publicKey) //Verify with the particular instance
} yield verified