Signed cookie authentication

Signed cookie authenticator uses TsecCookieSettings for configuration:

  final case class TSecCookieSettings(
      cookieName: String = "tsec-auth-cookie",
      secure: Boolean,
      httpOnly: Boolean = true,
      domain: Option[String] = None,
      path: Option[String] = None,
      extension: Option[String] = None,
      expiryDuration: FiniteDuration,
      maxIdle: Option[FiniteDuration]

And for your backing store, you need to store:

final case class AuthenticatedCookie[A, Id](
    id: UUID, //Cookie id
    name: String, //Cookie name, it will be sent to the client with this name
    content: SignedCookie[A], //Cookie name, it will be sent to the client with this name
    identity: Id,
    expiry: Instant,
    lastTouched: Option[Instant],
    secure: Boolean,
    httpOnly: Boolean = true,
    domain: Option[String] = None,
    path: Option[String] = None,
    extension: Option[String] = None

This authenticator uses cookies as the underlying mechanism to track state. If your particular Id type is sensitive, do not use this: the information is not encrypted. This is not a stateless authenticator.


  • Choose between one of HMACSHA1, HMACSHA256, HMACSHA384 or HMACSHA512. Recommended: HMACSHA256. The main difference between all of these algorithms primarily lies in the difficulty to brute force the key: Higher number means higher search space, thus harder to simply brute force the key.
  • Can be vulnerable to CSRF.
  • CORS doesn’t play nice with cookies.
  • User and token backing store as stated above
  • Your ID type for your user must have an Encoder and Decoder instance from circe

Authenticator Creation

import java.util.UUID

import cats.Id
import cats.effect.IO
import org.http4s.HttpService
import tsec.authentication._
import tsec.mac.jca.{HMACSHA256, MacSigningKey}
import scala.concurrent.duration._

object SignedCookieExample {

  import http4sExamples.ExampleAuthHelpers._

  val cookieBackingStore: BackingStore[IO, UUID, AuthenticatedCookie[HMACSHA256, Int]] =
    dummyBackingStore[IO, UUID, AuthenticatedCookie[HMACSHA256, Int]](

  //We create a way to store our users. You can attach this to say, your doobie accessor
  val userStore: BackingStore[IO, Int, User] = dummyBackingStore[IO, Int, User](

  val settings: TSecCookieSettings = TSecCookieSettings(
    cookieName = "tsec-auth",
    secure = false,
    expiryDuration = 10.minutes, // Absolute expiration time
    maxIdle = None // Rolling window expiration. Set this to a Finiteduration if you intend to have one

  val key: MacSigningKey[HMACSHA256] = HMACSHA256.generateKey[Id] //Our Signing key. Instantiate in a safe way using GenerateLift

  val cookieAuth =

  val Auth =

  Now from here, if want want to create services, we simply use the following
  (Note: Since the type of the service is HttpService[IO], we can mount it like any other endpoint!):
  val service: HttpService[IO] = Auth.liftService(TSecAuthService {
    //Where user is the case class User above
    case request@GET -> Root / "api" asAuthed user =>
      Note: The request is of type: SecuredRequest, which carries:
      1. The request
      2. The Authenticator (i.e token)
      3. The identity (i.e in this case, User)
      val r: SecuredRequest[IO, User, AuthenticatedCookie[HMACSHA256, Int]] = request
