
TSec provides an authorization trait that can be plugged into a SecuredRequestHandler, extended for custom logic, composed, extended or run manually over your request and flatMapped.

Let’s look at the signature for Authorization

trait Authorization[F[_], Identity, Auth] {
  def isAuthorized(toAuth: SecuredRequest[F, Identity, Auth]): OptionT[F, SecuredRequest[F, Identity, Auth]]

That is: An effect type, an identity type (i.e your user type) and an authenticator (your token type). In essence, this allows you to perform authorization actions based on the type of secured request you have, and extend custom logic if you need to, to do complicated actions such as caching tokens for an endpoint where authorization may be expensive.

Authorizations compose. After all, we can model it as a monoid (and we also provide a monoid instance for authorization) as such:

object Authorization {
  implicit def authorizationMonoid[F[_]: Monad, I, Auth]: Monoid[Authorization[F, I, Auth]] =
    new Monoid[Authorization[F, I, Auth]] {
      def empty: Authorization[F, I, Auth] = new Authorization[F, I, Auth] {

        def isAuthorized(toAuth: SecuredRequest[F, I, Auth]): OptionT[F, SecuredRequest[F, I, Auth]] =

      def combine(x: Authorization[F, I, Auth], y: Authorization[F, I, Auth]): Authorization[F, I, Auth] =
        new Authorization[F, I, Auth] {
          def isAuthorized(toAuth: SecuredRequest[F, I, Auth]): OptionT[F, SecuredRequest[F, I, Auth]] =

That is, our monoid empty is simply pure over the request.

For multiple authorizations, you could also compose manually instead of a monoid, which will create a new object per n authorizations, by simply chaining flatMap calls.


Authenticators tend to rely on SimpleAuthEnum, which requires its representation type to be a primitive Byte, Long or Int, or a String

Built-in instances

TSec provides a few built in instances for authorization common use cases.

Role-based authentication.

We provide two traits for RBAC: BasicRBAC and DynamicRBAC.

Both require an instance of AuthorizationInfo[F, Role, U], where Role is your enum of roles that you have (i.e Admin, User, Staff) and U is your user type. They also rely on an AuthGroup, which is a newtype over an Array[A] which we provide helpers to construct. It’s essentially to construct an array like a set, for faster indexing (sets are slow as hell!)

The main difference between BasicRBAC and DynamicRBAC is that BasicRBAC is for endpoints whose authorized roles will never change (i.e always an admin endpoint), whereas Dynamic is for groups that may change over time, thus it requires an instance of trait DynamicAuthGroup[F[_], Role]

BasicRBAC provides a helper .all, which will let all roles pass through, and an apply method which takes the allowed roles, i.e, from our tests:

  val basicRBAC = BasicRBAC[IO, DummyRole, AuthDummyUser, Int](DummyRole.Admin, DummyRole.Other) //Where DummyRole is some auth role

Discretionary access control

We provide one BasicDAC class that implements the idea of discretionary access control:

abstract class BasicDAC[F[_], G, U, Auth](implicit eq: Eq[G], F: MonadError[F, Throwable])
    extends Authorization[F, U, Auth] {
  def fetchGroup: F[AuthGroup[G]]

  def fetchOwner: F[G]

  def fetchAccess(u: SecuredRequest[F, U, Auth]): F[G]

Wherein you have to implement fetchGroup and fetchOwner for a resource or particular request. i.e, from our tests:

 val basicDAC = new BasicDAC[IO, Int, AuthDummyUser, Int] {
    def fetchGroup: IO[AuthGroup[Int]] = IO.pure(AuthGroup(4, 5, 6))

    def fetchOwner: IO[Int] = IO.pure(1)

    def fetchAccess(u: SecuredRequest[IO, AuthDummyUser, Int]): IO[Int] = IO.pure(

Hierarchy-based access control

Similar to say, the linux kernel, wherein you have roles that could be numerically represented in a hierarchy, we have a HierarchyAuth class.


  • The highest allowed auth level is 0, like the linux kernel.
  • Higher authorization means smaller in number
  • Your authorization enum must be numerical.

As an example, an auth enum could be:

sealed case class AuthLevel(i: Int)
object AuthLevel extends SimpleAuthEnum[AuthLevel, Int] {
  implicit object CEO           extends AuthLevel(0) //Implicit obj to get over SI-7046 which still pops up sometimes
  implicit object Staff         extends AuthLevel(1)
  implicit object AugmentedUser extends AuthLevel(2)
  implicit object RegularUser   extends AuthLevel(3)
  implicit object Err           extends AuthLevel(-1)

  val getRepr: (AuthLevel) => Int            = _.i
  protected val values: AuthGroup[AuthLevel] = AuthGroup(CEO, Staff, AugmentedUser, RegularUser)
  val orElse: AuthLevel                      = Err

Wherein our highest authorized role is CEO, then you can create an authorization like:

  val hierarchyAuth: IO[HierarchyAuth[F, AuthLevel, MyUserType, JWTMac[A]]] = 
    HierarchyAuth[IO, AuthLevel, MyUserType, JWTMac[A]](AuthLevel.Staff) 

Hierarchy based authorization will let any higher or equal authorization pass, and deny all the rest, thus, in our example, using AuthLevel.Staff (aka 1), this authorization allows either CEO or Staff to use this endpoint.


As a final built-in enum, we offer the classic, Bell-LaPadula authorization model. we have two things that concern us, reading, and writing, thus we have:

sealed abstract case class BLPReadAction[F[_], Role, A, Auth](authLevel: Role)(
    implicit authInfo: AuthorizationInfo[F, Role, A],
    enum: SimpleAuthEnum[Role, Int],
    F: MonadError[F, Throwable]
sealed abstract case class BLPWriteAction[F[_], Role, A, Auth](authLevel: Role)(
    implicit authInfo: AuthorizationInfo[F, Role, A],
    enum: SimpleAuthEnum[Role, Int],
    F: MonadError[F, Throwable]

Similar to hierarchy-based auth, except that there is no reading to a higher authorization level (i.e lower in number), and no writing to any auth level but your own (strong star property).